Patient un-cooperation can result in fault of operation, Technical faults ONLY are related to patient factor:
- FALSE. ***
Answer: False
Patient un-cooperation can result in fault of operation, but technical faults are not ONLY related to patient factors. Technical faults can also be caused by errors on the part of the dental team, such as using the wrong instrument or material, or making a mistake in the procedure.
Consequences of patient non-cooperation:
Here are some examples of how patient un-cooperation can result in fault of operation:
- A patient who refuses to open their mouth wide enough may make it difficult for the dentist to access the teeth. This can lead to the dentist making mistakes, such as cutting the wrong tooth or not placing the restoration correctly.
- A patient who clenches their teeth or gags during the procedure can also make it difficult for the dentist to work. This can also lead to mistakes.
- A patient who is not cooperative during the anesthesia process may not receive enough anesthesia, which can make them uncomfortable and increase the risk of them moving during the procedure. This can also lead to mistakes.
technical faults that are not related to patient factors:
Here are some examples of technical faults that are not related to patient factors:
- Using the wrong instrument or material can lead to the procedure not being performed correctly. For example, using a bur that is too large for the tooth can damage the tooth structure.
- Making a mistake in the procedure, such as drilling too deep or not using enough cement, can also lead to technical faults.
- Equipment failure can also cause technical faults. For example, if the suction machine stops working, the dentist may not be able to remove all of the debris from the tooth, which can lead to problems with the restoration.
Therefore, patient un-cooperation can result in fault of operation, but technical faults are not ONLY related to patient factors.
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