Dysfunctional labor may be caused by which of the following?
a. Excessive or too early analgesia administration
b. Exhausted mother
c. Overdistention of the uterus
d. All of the above
Answer: D.
Dysfunctional Labor is caused by the ff:
• Inappropriate use of analgesia
• Pelvic bone contraction that has narrowed the pelvic diameter so that a client can’t pass (e.g. in a client with rickets)
• Poor fetal position
• Extension rather then extension of the fetal head
• Overdistention of the uterus
• Cervical rigidity
• Presence of a full rectum or bladder
• Mother becoming exhausted from labor
• Primigravid status.
a. Excessive or too early analgesia administration
b. Exhausted mother
c. Overdistention of the uterus
d. All of the above
Answer: D.
Dysfunctional Labor is caused by the ff:
• Inappropriate use of analgesia
• Pelvic bone contraction that has narrowed the pelvic diameter so that a client can’t pass (e.g. in a client with rickets)
• Poor fetal position
• Extension rather then extension of the fetal head
• Overdistention of the uterus
• Cervical rigidity
• Presence of a full rectum or bladder
• Mother becoming exhausted from labor
• Primigravid status.
gynecology - Obstetrics