Estrogen, one of the hormones regulating cyclic activities in female reproductive system is responsible for which effect?
a. Increases the quantity and pH of cervical mucus, causing it to become thin and watery and can be stretched to a distance of 10-13 cm.
b. Inhibits the production of LH
c. Increases endometrial tortuosity
d. All of the above
Answer: A.
Effects of estrogen:
• Inhibits the production of FSH
• Causes hypertrophy of the myometrium
• Increases the quantity and pH of cervical mucus, causing it to become thin and watery and can be stretched to a distance of 10-13 cm.
Effects of Progesterone
• Inhibits the production of LH
• Increases endometrial tortuosity
• Increased endometrial secretions
• Facilitates transport of the fertilized ovum through the fallopian tubes.
a. Increases the quantity and pH of cervical mucus, causing it to become thin and watery and can be stretched to a distance of 10-13 cm.
b. Inhibits the production of LH
c. Increases endometrial tortuosity
d. All of the above
Answer: A.
Effects of estrogen:
• Inhibits the production of FSH
• Causes hypertrophy of the myometrium
• Increases the quantity and pH of cervical mucus, causing it to become thin and watery and can be stretched to a distance of 10-13 cm.
Effects of Progesterone
• Inhibits the production of LH
• Increases endometrial tortuosity
• Increased endometrial secretions
• Facilitates transport of the fertilized ovum through the fallopian tubes.
gynecology - Obstetrics