A client is frustrated and embarrassed by urinary incontinence. Which of the following measures should nurse Bea include in a bladder retraining program?
a. Establishing a predetermined fluid intake pattern for the client
b. Encouraging the client to increase the time between voidings
c. Restricting fluid intake to reduce the need to void
d. Assessing present elimination patterns
Answer D.
The guidelines for initiating bladder retraining include assessing the client’s intake patterns, voiding patterns, and reasons for each accidental voiding. Lowering the client’s fluid intake won’t reduce or prevent incontinence. The client should actually be encouraged to drink 1.5 to 2 L of water per day. A voiding schedule should be established after assessment.
a. Establishing a predetermined fluid intake pattern for the client
b. Encouraging the client to increase the time between voidings
c. Restricting fluid intake to reduce the need to void
d. Assessing present elimination patterns
Answer D.
The guidelines for initiating bladder retraining include assessing the client’s intake patterns, voiding patterns, and reasons for each accidental voiding. Lowering the client’s fluid intake won’t reduce or prevent incontinence. The client should actually be encouraged to drink 1.5 to 2 L of water per day. A voiding schedule should be established after assessment.