Urinary tract infection.. Pain when urinating, changes in urinary appearance and urinary odor

UTI is a common disease that afflicts millions each year about 8,000,000 people every year, and natural urine contains fluids, salts and wastes of the body and is completely free of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
There are several reasons for urinary tract infection. One is that the natural bacteria that live in the colon are attached to the external opening of the urethra and multiply caused by urinary bladder inflammation. If not treated, the infection may spread to the ureter and kidneys, causing inflammation of the bladder and kidney. There are some bacteria such as chlamydia and eucoplasma. Transmitted through sexual contact and in this case requires treatment of the couple.
UTIs are a common condition in children. Studies show that at the age of 5 years, about 8% of girls and about 1% to 2% of boys have at least once been infected with urinary tract infection. It occurs when infection and infection in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra.
The most important symptoms of urinary tract infections are: urinary pain, changes in the appearance of urine, frequency of urinary incontinence, urinary odor, fever, cold, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominoplasty, lower back.
Recurrent urinary tract infections can cause bed wetting, for example bedwetting in children who were previously dry at night.
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