Typhoid fever (typhoid fever)
(Endemic Typhus fever (Murine Typhus fever
A disease that affects rodents mainly and does not kill them and is transmitted to humans.
Pathogen: Rickettsia Mooseri (Rickettsca typhi)
Sources of Infection: Rat fleas or infected human fleas.
Infection repositories: mice, especially black rat climber (Rattus ratus (Black rat
Norwegian brown mouse Rattus norvigicus (brown rat) and mouse house.
(Endemic Typhus fever (Murine Typhus fever
A disease that affects rodents mainly and does not kill them and is transmitted to humans.
Pathogen: Rickettsia Mooseri (Rickettsca typhi)
Sources of Infection: Rat fleas or infected human fleas.
Infection repositories: mice, especially black rat climber (Rattus ratus (Black rat
Norwegian brown mouse Rattus norvigicus (brown rat) and mouse house.