Achievements of genetic modification of fish.. Transfer the responsible antifreeze gene to the Atlantic salmon to increase its resistance to cold. Transferring the gene responsible for human growth hormone production to golden fish

Significant progress has recently been made in the use of hormone therapy to control the growth and growth of important fish. In Scandinavia, all water-derived salmon are vaccinated compared to only 5% in 10 years.
But injecting fish with hormones or adding them to their diet may lead to their accumulation in their cells or eggs, accumulating in the consuming human, causing serious health damage that may lead to the emergence of cancerous growths.
Therefore, efforts in genetic control research have been focused on transferring genes responsible for desired traits or producing certain hormones into the egg.
The advantage of this method is that hormone production is naturally balanced and does not affect the person who consumes the fish or its products.
Scientists have succeeded in using genetic engineering methods to access genetically modified fish. for example :
1 Salmon:
Many cold-water marine fish produce "freeze-blocking" proteins and protect them from preventing the formation of ice crystals in the serum, but Atlantic salmon does not have genes to produce these proteins and therefore can not live in ice water. The responsible antifreeze genes have therefore been transferred to Atlantic salmon to increase their resistance to cold, thus expanding the area of ​​the environment in which this species can be grown.
2 Golden Fish:
Due to the health problems of consumption of hormone-treated fish, research has tended to generate genetically modified fish using genetic engineering methods. The first experiment in this field was the transfer of the gene responsible for the production of human growth hormone to the golden fish, which led to increased growth and productivity.
Since then, many vertebrate animal genes have been transferred to different species of fish. Until 1990, the number of genetically modified fish species reached 13 species of commercial fish such as Atlantic salmon.
3. Specified male fish The sex is determined genetically by means of the X-specific female sex mark (Y), but in fish, the story is different where genes and the environment play an important role in sex discrimination. Where the male (XY) can be converted into a female but functionally and theoretically with the survival of the genotype fixed by the hormonal treatment and vice versa for the female (XX).
In 1995, the researcher Cheryl Goudie of the Fish Genetics Unit in Stoneville, USA, used this phenomenon to obtain YY (Super male) thickness through hormonal treatment and mating. The advantage of this Khu method is to obtain the thickness of the memory of large size and free of sanding. The method was used with two species of fish, Tilapia and Catfish.
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