Drinks and food for milk production and treatment of infections

1 - a lot of eating vegetables.
2- The breastfeeding woman is able to eat watercress and halawa to produce milk.
3 - Eat a ring ground with nuts honey.
4- Lactating women eat fish and sea sweets.
5 - Eat carrots and drink juice, and eaten lentils in the evening to produce milk.
1 - drink anise tea.
2 - drink boiled fennel.
3 - boil some of the fruits of basil honey and drink 3 cups a day.
4 - half a cup of each [a black grain - Jnsun - Karawiya - Kamoon - Shamar] and take a spoon of the mixture in boiled water and sweetened with honey drink 3 cups a day.
5 - the ring ground grated in the municipal ghee and then pour water on it and decorated with black honey.
6 - drink boiled [Thyme + grain of blessing + forget].
Other Recipes:
1 - Squeeze the saliva and knead the starch and hold the breast.
2 - crushed parsley and put compresses to produce milk and treat infections
3 - works as a material of flour flour beans with mint to breast tumor as a result of milk or shock.
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