It is proven in the Sunnah of the hadeeth of Amr ibn Shu'aib from his father that his grandfather said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said:
This hadeeth was originally considered to include the ignorant person if he treated another person and was affected by his treatment.
The talk referred to as the medical responsibility of those who claim medicine and is ignorant of it and this is comprehensive for the following:
1- All branches of medicine.
2 - For those who were under the rule of doctors such as analysts, nurses, anesthetists and radiographers and binoculars.
3 - ignorant branch treated by the specialist eye surgery is surgery outside his competence, is within his competence but not aware of the stages or the ability to apply them in the required manner, and so the ruling for doctors assistants.
Ibn al-Qayyim conveyed the consensus to include the ignorant doctor. As for the infidel doctor, al-Khattaabi said: "I do not know in a dispute that if the healer crosses the wound, the patient is a guarantor."
This hadeeth was originally considered to include the ignorant person if he treated another person and was affected by his treatment.
The talk referred to as the medical responsibility of those who claim medicine and is ignorant of it and this is comprehensive for the following:
1- All branches of medicine.
2 - For those who were under the rule of doctors such as analysts, nurses, anesthetists and radiographers and binoculars.
3 - ignorant branch treated by the specialist eye surgery is surgery outside his competence, is within his competence but not aware of the stages or the ability to apply them in the required manner, and so the ruling for doctors assistants.
Ibn al-Qayyim conveyed the consensus to include the ignorant doctor. As for the infidel doctor, al-Khattaabi said: "I do not know in a dispute that if the healer crosses the wound, the patient is a guarantor."
Medical responsibility