Frostbite is frozen in the tissues of the body (usually the skin) caused by the contraction of blood vessels that lead to the interruption of oxygen from the affected organ.
The person loses sensation of the member, and the color of the tissue changes. Frostbite often affects the areas farthest from the center of the body, where there is little blood flow, including the feet, hands, nose and ears.
There are three degrees of frost capacity: frost pinch, surface frostbite, deep frostbite. Although children, adults and people with circulatory problems are most likely to be infected, most infections occur in adults aged 30-49 years.
If you get frostbite, you may not realize it at first because the affected area will numb. But with high-speed medical care, most of the patients are fully cured. In severe cases, permanent tissue damage can occur depending on the length of time the affected area is frozen and the depth of the infection.
In severe cases, blood flow to the affected area stops and blood vessels, muscles, nerves, tendons and bones are permanently damaged. If the infected tissue dies, this may require eradication of the affected area.
The person loses sensation of the member, and the color of the tissue changes. Frostbite often affects the areas farthest from the center of the body, where there is little blood flow, including the feet, hands, nose and ears.
There are three degrees of frost capacity: frost pinch, surface frostbite, deep frostbite. Although children, adults and people with circulatory problems are most likely to be infected, most infections occur in adults aged 30-49 years.
If you get frostbite, you may not realize it at first because the affected area will numb. But with high-speed medical care, most of the patients are fully cured. In severe cases, permanent tissue damage can occur depending on the length of time the affected area is frozen and the depth of the infection.
In severe cases, blood flow to the affected area stops and blood vessels, muscles, nerves, tendons and bones are permanently damaged. If the infected tissue dies, this may require eradication of the affected area.
Winter Diseases