Instructions for patients with knee roughness .. Avoid long standing, flexing the knee joint, using a bike and walking regularly will improve circulation of the cartilage and knee tissue and strengthen its muscles

1 - Avoid long standing periods and repeat the rise and fall of stairs because this leads to increased pressure on the knee joint, which increases the severity of the knee and pain.
2. Avoid bending the knee joint after 90 degrees, either bending it under the chair you sit on or sitting on a low chair or bending during prayer, especially the reading of the tashahhud where you should sit on a chair.
3 - Avoid some types of wrong seating such as quadrature legs or sit in a squatting or sitting on the ground or sit with the bending of the leg down the body.
4. Avoid using a fixed or moving bike, which leads to increased friction between the articular surfaces. Also try to avoid all that leads to hearing the sound of a knock from the knee.
5. Regular walking improves the circulation of the cartilage and knee tissue and strengthens the muscles, but it must be done without stress of the knee joint and in times of severe pain and on flat ground, such as loose track of the club or garden and prefer to wear sneakers during walking and as an important principle for patients with knee roughness Be active but avoid stress.
6 - weight loss leads to reduced loads on the knee joint, so reduce carbohydrates and fats and the proliferation of vegetables and fruit and exercise.
7. A walking stick can be used to reduce pressure on the knee joint as the stick is stuck in the opposite hand of the injured knee. For example, when there is stiffness in the right knee, hold the stick with the left hand.
8. As you ascend the ladder, always rely on the wall of the ladder and climb up to the right leg.
9 - Static exercises for the quadriceps of the knee should be performed to strengthen them and be as follows:
- Put a braided down-knee pad and then press it on the knee with a knee-tightening knee and comb the man up and continue this situation for four seconds and relax for four seconds and repeat the exercise ten times.
- As a standard for the previous exercise can sleep on the back and then bend the knee healthy forty-five degrees and then raise the other leg to the same level of flexor leg with the comb of the man to the top and then wait in this situation seven seconds and then take off the leg and relax the muscles for four seconds also and repeat the exercise as Ask your specialist, but you should stop exercising when there is severe pain or when exercise increases pain significantly.
- Sit on the chair and extend your leg and then lift it straight to the level of the other knee and continued in this situation for ten seconds (or less if you can not) and then lower the leg to the ground is also straight.
- Try to usually learn constriction and relaxation of the quadriceps in any situation during the day as the repetition of muscle alert increases its strength.
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