Lymphangioma.. Reproduction of lymphatic vessels. Large voids lined with empty blanket cells or containing clotted lymphatic fluid or blood corpuscles

- characterized by the proliferation of lymphatic vessels.
- Appears at birth and affects both sexes.
- Inside the mouth often affects - the tongue causing its magnitude, and can affect the palate, mucosa vestibular, gums, and lip.
It may be superficial (under the skin of the tongue); it appears to have a papery surface, a natural color or a slightly darker mucus than the surrounding mucus (often blue).
If placed deep (in the mass of the tongue), it appears in small nodules, diffuse, without changing the composition or color of the covering surface.
Large voids lined with blanket cells, empty, or containing liquid lymph nodes, coagulated and sometimes on some blood cells as well.
the cure:
Surgical recurrence may occur which increases with age.
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