Taking care of the doctor and alleviating his responsibility for the complications that may result from his work.. The warranty is on the doctor who is in charge of nurses and technicians

The various doctrines of jurisprudence have realized the nature of the medical work and the complications and complications it entails. The doctor can not help it with any knowledge and experience to avoid it. Therefore, the jurists tended to take care of the doctor and alleviate his responsibility for the complications that may result from his work. In his judgment of nurses, technicians, etc., if the following conditions are observed:
- First: to be knowledgeable in the medical industry. Which is currently expressed by the official possession of scientific certificates that prove his study of medicine.
- Second: to be authorized to practice the profession. Which is currently expressed in possession of the certificate of practice of medicine and granted by the ministries of health, each according to his specialty.
Thirdly, the patient should authorize him to perform his duties. This is particularly important when a doctor is absent from work, and another doctor is assigned to perform his tasks. In such a case, the patient must know this. He may refuse to receive treatment from a physician other than his original physician. Otherwise, the doctor-agent here is liable in the event of a miscarriage because he has not been authorized by the patient to perform his duties.
Fourthly, that he should not exceed what he needs in the treatment: if he gives a dose of medicine greater than the prescribed, this leads to harm to the patient.
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