Telemedicine Project.. See the file of any patient and give a medical view regardless of the actual location of the doctor

The telemedicine project consists of the establishment of a complete network of hospital information, X-ray archiving system, medical analysis and all patient-related services. This service enables all health care workers to view a patient's profile and give a medical view regardless of the actual location Where the doctor.
Scientists and doctors everywhere are working on developing techniques for practicing telemedicine, because they already may save the lives of millions. A Swiss company, for example, has invented a polo shirt to keep a patient 's heart rate and sends the results wirelessly to the doctor. Other devices are given to diabetics to measure blood sugar and are also periodically sent to the treating physician.
Jim Clarke says that despite this tremendous development in communication technology, the world still does not benefit and even opposes the adoption of this new technology in the field of medicine in particular. Clark explains this phenomenon: This is due to the severe division in the medical community.
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