Treating folk flu

1 - a mixture of [bean Sada + guava paper + Jnsun + fennel + sowing linen] in equal proportions and grind well and kneaded in honey bees and taken a spoon 3 times a day.
1-Drink boiled marjoram.
2 - Drink boiling boiled.
3 - take half a cup of each of [Shammer - Zaatar - Bardakosh - Jenson - black bean] Mix the varieties and grind and boil a spoon of the mixture and sweetened with honey and drink a cup 3 times.
4 - Drink boiled ground flaxseed and sweetened with honey and drink 3 cups a day
5 - a mixture of linseed, thyme and fennel in equal amounts and take a spoon on a glass of water and boil and drain and drink four times.
Other Recipes:
1. Inhaled boiled chamomile flower.
2 - works hot blower of flaxseed over the chest and change them whenever cooled with no exposure to air.
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