Treatment of bladder diseases.. Pumpkin. Cummins. Raisins. Barley bran to relieve the pain of bladder infections. Corn briquettes. Liquorice

1- Pumpkin (pumpkin) is eaten or cooked with water or milk, and several days of inflammation and urine retention are taken.
2 - eat lettuce.
3- White section of leeks for all urinary tract diseases.
4 - Cumin Akla and drink to cool the kidney and distillation of urine.
5 - cooked raisins for kidney and urinary distillation.
6- Eat 3 tablespoons of honey a day to treat urinary incontinence.
7. Barley bran dwells the pain of bladder infections.
1 - boiling the roots of corn for all urinary tract diseases.
2 - Mix the fennel + Bardakosh + pond bean in equal amounts and take a cup of honey with 3 times.
3 - Perspiration + Halva Bar in equal amounts and boiled and sweetened with honey and taken 3 times a day.
Other Recipes:
1 - Roast egg yolk and mix with sugar in equal amounts and taken Sfov 3 times and drink after doses of water (for dyslexia).
2. Drain the melon peel and crush and soften.
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