Treatment of gum infections and blisters in the mouth and tongue

1 - Drink orange juice in the morning and evening.
2 - drink lemon juice, and massage the gums with concentrated lemon juice.
Other Recipes:
1 - Burn the salt and put cotton on the pimples.
2 - Cumin, finely ground and thyme grinds all and mixes with diluted vinegar and gurgling it.
3 - boiled hamburger is teasing him.
4 - the use of toothpicks with each and every light.
5 - chewing olive leaves.
6 - Boil a tablespoon of leaves of a white bean in a glass of water and use gargle and drink 3 times a day.
7. Mix the honey and yoghurt and paint the castles in the mouths of the children.
8 - boiled local fennel honey using gargle and drink 3 times a day.
Add a teaspoon of dry chamomile to a cup of boiling water, leave to ferment for five minutes, then drain and use gargle several times a day.
10 - rinse with pomegranate peel after food.
11. Chew celery leaves.
12 - knead henna vinegar and crammed by the ulcerated place.
13 - Plastered with tahini without swallowing, and after each eat, with the eating of citrus honey for breakfast and dinner.
14. Rinse for as long as possible with a mixture of equal amounts of honey and lemon juice.
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