Treatment of heart disorders

1. Eat two mustard seeds in the morning.
2. Eat Tin Islands daily.
3 - Take a teaspoon Almtaki Turki and three tablespoons black grain and grind it and then kneaded in honey and take a spoon on the saliva daily.
4 - Eating grapes, raisins, olives and pistachios are all substances that raise the number of heart beats lower than normal.
5 - Thyme + pond + clove in equal quantities Mix everyone with black honey Take a spoon after eating 3 times a day.
1 - half a cup of black beans + half a cup of white beans, boil the mixture and seasoned with honey 3 cups daily.
2 - half a cup of each [Shammer - Zaatar - Karwa - Jbba blessing] and boil the amount of spoon and drink.
3 - drink a spoon vinegar on cold water daily on the stomach and in the evening oil whale liver.
4 - drink melted amber in local milk honey bees.
5 - boil the cloves in a glass of water like tea, and drink on the stomach and before sleep.
6 - 70 grams of honey taken every two months for severe heart lesions.
7 - taken sesame oil to prevent the occurrence of a clot.
8 - Take half a lemon juice in a glass of warm water or eaten asparagus to reduce the palpitations of the heart.
9 - Drink 3: 2 liters of water throughout the day.
10. Eat 10 points of black seed oil.
11. Drink the boiled mint.
12. Drink lemon juice.
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