1- Drink anise.
2 - drink lemon juice, local sugar plant.
3 - half cup of cinnamon + half cup of cloves + spoon of black bean Mix the varieties and boil a spoonful of the mixture and sweetened with honey or sugar and drink before bedtime.
4 - Boil the mint with garlic and gargle three times a day.
5 - boiled thyme added lemon juice used as gargle eliminates inflammation of the throat and tonsils.
6 - add 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar to a glass of water and gargle every hour, and swallow the dose after gargling.
7 - stirred with honey and salt together in hot water it is quick effect.
1- Drink anise.
2 - drink lemon juice, local sugar plant.
3 - half cup of cinnamon + half cup of cloves + spoon of black bean Mix the varieties and boil a spoonful of the mixture and sweetened with honey or sugar and drink before bedtime.
4 - Boil the mint with garlic and gargle three times a day.
5 - boiled thyme added lemon juice used as gargle eliminates inflammation of the throat and tonsils.
6 - add 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar to a glass of water and gargle every hour, and swallow the dose after gargling.
7 - stirred with honey and salt together in hot water it is quick effect.