Types of articular dislocation .. Partial articular dislocation. Full articular dislocation. Joint articular dislocation with fracture

There are three types of articular dislocation:
A. Subluscation:
In which one of the bones is removed from its natural place, but within the cavity of the articular and is a simple tear in the ligaments installed and membrane membrane of the joint, and this type causes partial inability to move the joint at the time of injury.
B- Duslocation:
In this type, one of the bones is removed from its normal place and the membrane rupture of the synovial and articular ligaments occurs. The articular cavity may be produced, as is the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels and hemorrhage within the articular cavity.
C- Dislocation Fracture:
It is the most serious type of dislocation of the hinge and staring when the blow is severe causing the dislocation accompanied by a fracture in one of the bones that form the joint and may occur in the blood vessels or nerves near the joint.
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