What percentage of term newborns has a congenital heart disease due to environmental risk factors such as maternal alcoholism or drug ingestion?
A- 2% to 4%
B- 10% to 20%
C- 5% to 10%
D- 7% to 9%
Correct Response: C
It is estimated that 5% to 10% of term newborns are born with a congenital heart disease due to environmental risk factors such as maternal alcoholism or drug ingestion. This rate is higher in infants born prematurely. Other environmental risk factors include intrauterine rubella exposure, diabetes mellitus and advanced maternal age in addition to genetic factors.
A- 2% to 4%
B- 10% to 20%
C- 5% to 10%
D- 7% to 9%
Correct Response: C
It is estimated that 5% to 10% of term newborns are born with a congenital heart disease due to environmental risk factors such as maternal alcoholism or drug ingestion. This rate is higher in infants born prematurely. Other environmental risk factors include intrauterine rubella exposure, diabetes mellitus and advanced maternal age in addition to genetic factors.
Nursing questions