Falcons .. Youth. Conscientious and unscrupulous. Mucous placement. Diffuse. Grapes on the surface of the bath and filled with liquid fluid or hemorrhagic

Bullous pemphygoides:
Is a rare autoimmune vesicular disease in childhood characterized by the accumulation of IgG antibodies in human human connective tissue in a linear strip.
Dermatitis herpetiformis, on the contrary, shows the immune accumulation of IgA antibodies in the human human interface. Thus, the dermatitis can differentiate from the bubonic sputum.
Clinical forms of bubonic vertebrates:
- The young bubbles.
- Immature and noncomplasmic.
- mucous mucus placement.
- Diffused bubonic spores.
- Some types of bubble falciparum may be associated with pregnancy.
Clinical manifestations:
Topical forms: Multiple scabs are seen in different sizes in clusters on an erythematous surface filled with fluid or haemorrhagic fluid. The most common areas of infection are palms and soles, which confuse diagnosis with eczema. The mucous membranes of the mouth and conjunctiva may become infected leading to scarring after healing.
2 Diffuse shapes: Extend extended areas of the body especially on the abdomen and the inner sides of the parties.
Treatment methods:
The same lines applied to pox, corticosteroids and immunosuppression may be effective treatment.
Fecal sputum in childhood.

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