Thursday, December 17, 2015

Alcohol consumption and the risk of low blood sugar level.. Arrest work liver to convert stored sugars into glucose

When alcohol it moves from the stomach into the blood in only 5 minutes. And up to a maximum concentration of him in the blood during the 30-90 minutes of alcohol abuse. The liver greater role to get rid of the alcohol, but it takes time. For example if a person's weight in the range of 68 kg, the liver needs about two hours broken down and get rid of it. And if you have been drinking alcohol how much faster than the ability of the liver to get rid of it, the increase in alcohol moves from the blood to other parts of the body, particularly the brain cells.
In normal cases, the liver plays an important role to maintain the level of sugar in the blood, where you convert sugars stored in the liver to glucose to compensate in the event of low blood sugar level than normal,
| | And thus avoids the person complications that may occur as a result of the low level of sugar in the blood. When alcohol and spread in the blood, the body treats that article as a toxic substance. The liver is working hard to get rid of that article quickly from the blood. In fact, the liver does not feed the circulatory glucose sugar stocks of sugars in the liver to rid the body of alcohol, which prevents the liver from producing glucose. If the blood sugar level already low, this may expose a person to a sharp drop in blood sugar when alcohol abuse. And if a person is suffering from diabetes and addresses of antihypertensive medications sugar or insulin injections, he exposes himself to greater risk as a result of the sharp drop in blood sugar when alcohol with medicines for diabetes. When alcohol and exercise at the same time it increases dramatically from a sharp drop in blood sugar. This happens because of that practice sports originally lead to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. Hours after the termination exercise, the body works to compensate for the energy lost from the muscles by feed stocks muscles of glucose in the blood. For this reason, play sports to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. If the patient deals with insulin or sugar-lowering disks at the same time deal also alcohol while practicing sport   The alcohol stops working liver to convert stored sugars into glucose and thus the possibility of exposure of the patient to a sharp drop in blood sugar are too large. 
It should be noted that the glucagon injection did not help in the treatment of patients exposed to a sharp drop in blood sugar due to alcohol abuse but is only used to address a sharp drop in blood sugar due to increased insulin dose. The reason for this is that the mechanism of action of glucagon depend on stimulating the liver to release glucose from the sugars to stocks   Blood, but alcohol prevents the liver from doing so. And can cure the sharp drop in blood sugar due to alcohol by giving sugars, such as glucose pills that are given by mouth.