Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Solutions for the tired eyes from the computer screen.. Try closing your eyes when from time to time to moisturize the eye and prevent dehydration

Eye strain in front of a computer screen for long hours may make you suffer from one of these symptoms:
** Pain and fatigue in the eye with itching and dryness.
** Low vision of distant objects.
** Headache or pain in the muscles of the neck.
* Difficulty in concentrating.
** Increased sensitivity of the light.
For this you have to follow the following:
** Give your eyes time to rest.
** Try closing your eyes when from time to time to moisturize the eye and prevent dehydration.
** Beyond the screen for eye distance of 60-80 cm to prevent eye strain.
** Mark the top of the screen in the level of your eyes from where Height  
** Keep your computer screen clean, Dust reduces visibility.
** See a doctor if you continue to complain of stress.