Saturday, February 25, 2023

Insulin mixture.. Simulate normal pancreas. Mixing types of insulin in one injection and then injected

Insulin mixture

The truth when he began to use insulin in medicine there was no insulin mixture. Was the patient takes to cover insulin doses meals and take a dose or two of To cover basal insulin.Since insulin must injected under the skin, with diabetes, instead of the injected himself more than once (ie, once Insulin meals and again Insulin BCD), the patient with diabetes is recommended that and blending types insulin in one injection and the Injected with some. As the process the patient himself mixing between the types of insulin may cause   In messing up,

the manufacturers of insulin has prepared compounds mixed with each Even easier to inject insulin, Used those companies add insulin with meals basal insulin. So this insulin mixed or mixture is a combination of insulin and meals and basal insulin. We have three vehicles insulin mixture is "maxtarad" and "heiumaloj - Mix" and the "eneuvumiks." 

Now we come to a very important question. If we take into consideration in mind what we said in the previous lessons, what is the best way (and that mimic natural pancreas) to cover the needs of insulin for a person with type I diabetes? Please read the question again before you read the answer. 

Where there is no insulin secreted by the pancreas in type I diabetes, the answer is that we injected three injections of insulin and meals + single injection of basal insulin. Is not it? "Provided that the basal insulin effect continues for 24 hours if possible and if not, will have effect for a period of 24 hours (we will have) to basal insulin injections twice a day. 

Here's an example of what we for the first type of diabetes. Suppose that the patient needs to 36 units insulin a day, we can split the 36 units to 

1 - basal insulin like lantos 18 units in the evening (10 pm) 
2 - insulin and meals like noborabid 6 +6 +6 before breakfast, before lunch and before dinner. 

Some important observations on this method of insulin injection: 

  • Note that the basal insulin dose "Allantos" is equal to the total insulin doses meals "noborabid" 
  • characterized Allantos from other types of basal insulin that the effect lasts for 24 hours then your possible injection-sufficiency and only one day of this basal insulin (in most cases). Or in terms of sugar control it and the rest of the types of basal insulin there is little difference. In case of using "livimir" or "PHP" it is better to inject patient Two injections these species and one in the evening and one in the morning. 
  • basal insulin injection lantos or other has nothing to do with eating a meal. That is, it is not a requirement that you Injected before eating. 
  • must inject insulin meals "noborabid" before eating. Note that the advantage of both (noborabid heiumaloj and abedra) that diabetes can strike the syringe and then eat directly. But when used (ocatrabid Orikyular) canseulen meals it will have to wait 20 to 30 minutes and then begins to eat his meal. 
  • When you inject insulin and meals it is necessary "to eat your meal" otherwise you prone to hypoglycemia. Do not forget your meal. 
  • this way "any injection with diabetes three times or more" know "intensive therapy" is the best way to control blood sugar for people with type I diabetes and this scientifically Certain. To remember this definition of "intensive treatment". 

Note: The above method is the best way and Certain scientifically as the best of the first type of diabetes, but in practice, there are several ways to use both insulin meals and basal insulin as well as insulin mixture of people with type I diabetes. More important is that the blood sugar is controlled, not method and the number of injections per day. And the selection of the appropriate method for each patient is one of the duties of the treating physician or medical staff treating the patient. And a little understanding with self-measurement of blood sugar, finding the most appropriate way to inject insulin is not a difficult thing.


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