Monday, November 4, 2019

Patient with gingivectomy surgery. After surgery, xenograft was placed with bioresorbable sutures placed

Patient with gingivectomy surgery. After surgery, xenograft was placed with bioresorbable sutures placed. Which dressing is placed over it?
a- Eugenol dressing.
b- Non-eugenol based***
c- Antibiotic dressing.

The molecule eugenol (or 4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol) is a natural component of various flavors, in particular that of clove from which it is generally extracted. However, eugenol is also found in other natural elements such as some peppers, bay leaves or cinnamon wallflower. The analgesic and antiseptic capabilities of eugenol are mainly used in dentistry.

The extraction of eugenol from cloves is often intended to produce vanillin (vanilla flavor) synthesis. This vanillin can then be used in the food sector, cosmetics (eg shampoo, make-up), perfumes, scented candles, cleaning products ... Eugenol is also used in aquaculture fish) for its anesthetic properties. In the medical sector, eugenol is used primarily to make mouthwashes and gum paste that fight against various oral infections (eg, gingivitis). It is also part of the composition of a "dental cement", used in particular by dentists to seal the dental canal. Eugenol is also found in an ointment used to decongest the bronchi in case of colds or bronchitis as well as in an allergic diagnostic test (diagnosis of contact eczema).

The boiling point of eugenol is high: 253 ° C. It is slightly soluble in fresh water and totally insoluble in salt water. On the other hand, it dissolves extremely well in oils and alcohols such as ethanol for example.

Eugenol is only very slightly toxic. However, in case of overdose, eugenol may cause more or less serious damage to the liver (eg cirrhosis of the liver). It falls into the category of hepatotoxic substances.
Medicines containing eugenol
Eugenol, in combination with other substances, is found in the following medicines: Alodont®, Alvogyl, Post-Pengha, Purparthrol, Pulperyl, Yranol Eugenol, Pectoderm and True Test.