Friday, January 5, 2024

Nausea is a complaint that a new denture wearer might encounter. It may result from.. Denture under extended

Nausea is a complaint that a new denture wearer might encounter. It may result from:

  • a- Thick posterior border.
  • b- Denture under extended.
  • c- Denture slightly over extended.
  • d- A & b are correct. ***

The correct answer is d- A & b are correct.

Nausea is a common complaint among new denture wearers, and it can be caused by a number of factors, including:

- Thick posterior border:

The posterior border is the back edge of the denture, and if it is too thick, it can irritate the soft tissues at the back of the mouth and trigger the gag reflex.

- Denture under extended:

If the denture is not extended far enough back, it can cause the gag reflex to be triggered when the tongue touches the soft tissues at the back of the mouth.

- Denture slightly over extended:

If the denture is slightly over extended, it can put pressure on the soft tissues at the back of the mouth and cause nausea.

In some cases, nausea may be caused by a combination of these factors. For example, a denture that has a thick posterior border and is under extended is more likely to cause nausea than a denture that only has one of these problems.

If you are experiencing nausea after getting new dentures, it is important to see your dentist so that they can adjust the dentures and make sure they fit properly. In the meantime, you can try to eat smaller meals and avoid foods that are difficult to chew or swallow. You can also try sucking on ice chips or ginger ale to help settle your stomach.