Dentine permeability increases.. Permeability increase toward DEJ

Dentine permeability increases:

  • a- Coronal less than root dentine.
  • b- Permeability increase toward DEJ.
  • C- Permeability increase toward bcj.

The correct answer is: b- Permeability increases toward DEJ.

Dentine permeability is not uniform throughout the tooth and varies depending on the location:

- Highest permeability:

Dentin closest to the pulp (near the basal cavitas junction (bcj)) has the highest permeability due to the larger diameter of dentinal tubules in this region.

- Lowest permeability:

Dentin near the enamel dentin junction (DEJ) has the lowest permeability because the tubules are narrower and filled with a mineralized material called smear layer.

Therefore, dentine permeability increases as you move away from the DEJ towards the bcj.

Options Summary:

Here's a summary of the options:

a. Coronal less than root dentine:

Not entirely accurate. Permeability can vary within both coronal and root dentine depending on the location relative to DEJ and bcj.

b. Permeability increases toward DEJ:

Incorrect. Permeability actually decreases towards DEJ.

c. Permeability increases toward bcj:

Correct. Permeability is highest near the pulp, close to the bcj.

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