Thursday, January 4, 2024

You are assigned to assist Mrs. Kelley with her lunch. She is on bed rest. The best position for her, if permitted, would be.. semi-Fowler's

You are assigned to assist Mrs. Kelley with her lunch. She is on bed rest.

The best position for her, if permitted, would be:
  • a. Tredelenberg
  • b. hyperextension
  • c. dangling at the side of the bed
  • d. semi-Fowler's

The best position for Mrs. Kelley to eat her lunch while on bed rest would be: (d. semi-Fowler's).

Here's why:

- Tredelenberg:

This position has the head of the bed elevated at 45 degrees, which is too high for eating comfortably and could increase the risk of aspiration.

- Hyperextension:

This position involves bending the head back beyond a neutral position, which is not comfortable and can strain the neck muscles.

- Dangling at the side of the bed:

This is not a safe or comfortable position for anyone, let alone someone on bed rest.

- Semi-Fowler's:

This position elevates the head and torso to a 30-45 degree angle, providing optimal support for the upper body and reducing the risk of aspiration while eating. It allows gravity to help keep food and liquids moving in the right direction, minimizing the risk of choking.

Therefore, while other positions might be acceptable for other activities during bed rest, semi-Fowler's is the best choice for Mrs. Kelley to eat her lunch comfortably and safely.

Additional factors to consider:

- Mrs. Kelley's specific medical condition and limitations:

If she has any specific restrictions or needs related to her bed rest, those should be taken into account when choosing the most appropriate position.

- Availability of pillows and support:

Ensure she has enough pillows to comfortably support her head, neck, and back in the semi-Fowler's position.

- Assistance with eating:

If needed, offer assistance with bringing the food and drink closer to her and providing support while she eats.

Remember, the goal is to ensure Mrs. Kelley can enjoy her lunch safely and comfortably while on bed rest.