Sunday, February 4, 2024

You are working in a pediatric unit of the hospital and caring for a six year old boy who is hospitalized with cystic fibrosis and respiratory compromise.. To develop initiative and a sense of purpose

You are working in a pediatric unit of the hospital and caring for a six year old boy who is hospitalized with cystic fibrosis and respiratory compromise.

Which developmental task is the challenge for this boy at his age?
  • A- To cough, deep breathe and improve respiratory status.
  • B- To establish industry and self confidence.
  • C- To develop autonomy and self control.
  • D- To develop initiative and a sense of purpose.

The most likely developmental task that this six-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis is facing a challenge with is: A. To cough, deep breathe and improve respiratory status

Here's why the other options are less likely:

B. To establish industry and self confidence:

This task typically arises during late childhood and adolescence, around ages 12-18. At six years old, the boy would be more focused on developing basic cognitive and physical skills.

C. To develop autonomy and self control:

While this is a crucial developmental task for six-year-olds, it's important to consider the boy's medical condition. His hospitalization and reliance on treatments could significantly impact his ability to exercise autonomy and self-control.

D. To develop initiative and a sense of purpose:

This task also emerges later in childhood, closer to adolescence. At six, the boy would be more focused on mastering basic skills and exploring his immediate environment.

However, cystic fibrosis directly affects the respiratory system, making coughing, deep breathing, and maintaining good respiratory status primary challenges for children with this condition. Their treatments and therapies often revolve around improving lung function and managing symptoms. Therefore, option A is the most relevant to the boy's specific situation and age.

It's important to remember that having cystic fibrosis can impact all aspects of development, including physical, cognitive, social, and emotional. While option A seems most pertinent to his immediate physical challenge, the other aspects of development should also be considered and supported during his hospitalization.