Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Blood sugar (Glucose).. Hormone Insulin. Hormone glucagon from the pancreas. Thyroid hormones and pituitary Adrenal gland

There are several factors that lead to normalizing blood glucose ratio so that range in   Natural persons  After eating from 70 mg / dl The increase for 140 mg / dl, and these factors are summarized in the sources of sugar (glucose) for the body and the body's ability to deal with them:
1 - sugars and starches in food.
2 - hormone Insulin that secreted by cells Pena found in the pancreas (Langerhans).
3 - the hormone glucagon from the pancreas.
4 - thyroid hormones and pituitary Adrenal gland.
5 - glycogen in the muscles and liver cells.
Walking blood glucose dissolved in plasma carry it to all the different cells of the body (brain / heart / muscle / liver / ...).