Indication and contraindication of gingivectomy.. Contraindication

Indication and contraindication of gingivectomy:
1- Elimination of supra bony pocket (pseudo Pocket)
2- Treatment of drug induced gingival hyperplasia. 
3- Elimination of soft tissue creator. 
4- To create clinical crown length for restorative procedure. 
5- Create esthetic gingival form in case of delayed passive eruption of health teeth. 
6- Gingival abscess. 
7- Class I furcation involvement.
8- Elimination of gingival enlargements
9- Elimination of suprabony periodontal abscesses

1- Acutely inflamed gingiva.
2- Inadequate oral hygiene.
3- Infrabony pocket.
4- Insufficient amount of keratinized tissue
5- Inadequate vestibular depth.
6- High caries rate.
7- Presence of interdental osseous creator.
8- Present of prominent oblique ridge.
9- Unacceptable appearance.