The junction between primary and secondary dentine is.. A resting line

The junction between primary and secondary dentine is:

  • A- A reversal line
  • B- Sharp curvature
  • C- A resting line ***
  • D- A reduction in the number of tubules.

resting line:

The junction between primary and secondary dentine is called the resting line. It is a thin, wavy line that is visible under a microscope. The resting line is formed when the odontoblasts that produce primary dentine stop producing dentine and then start producing secondary dentine.

Primary dentine:

Primary dentine is the first type of dentine to form. It is formed during tooth development and is located in the outer layer of the dentine. Secondary dentine is formed throughout life and is located in the inner layer of the dentine. Secondary dentine is thicker and less dense than primary dentine.

The resting line is not a barrier between primary and secondary dentine. It is simply a line that marks the transition between the two types of dentine.

characteristics of the resting line:

Here are some other characteristics of the resting line:
  • It is more visible in young teeth than in older teeth.
  • It is more pronounced in teeth that have been subjected to trauma or inflammation.
  • It is not always visible in all teeth.
The resting line is an important landmark in dentinogenesis. It can help dentists to diagnose and treat dental problems, such as caries and trauma.
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