Thursday, January 4, 2024

Which statement by a patient with diabetes mellitus indicates an understanding of the medication insulin glargine - Lantus

Which statement by a patient with diabetes mellitus indicates an understanding of the medication insulin glargine (Lantus)?

  • A- "Lantus causes weight loss."
  • B- "Lantus is used only at night."
  • C- "The duration of Lantus is six hours."
  • D- "There is no peak time for Lantus."

The statement that indicates an understanding of insulin glargine (Lantus) is: D. "There is no peak time for Lantus."

Here's why:

- Lantus causes weight loss:

This statement is false. While some people may experience weight loss due to improved blood sugar control, Lantus is not specifically known for causing weight loss.

- Lantus is used only at night:

This statement is false. Lantus is a long-acting insulin that can be injected once daily at any time, although bedtime is a common choice.

- The duration of Lantus is six hours:

This statement is false. Lantus has a duration of action of 24-36 hours, meaning it provides consistent blood sugar control throughout the day.

- There is no peak time for Lantus:

This statement is true. One of the key characteristics of Lantus is its flat and peakless action profile. Unlike other insulins, Lantus does not have a sudden surge in activity, providing a more sustained and predictable effect on blood sugar levels.

Therefore, the patient who understands the no-peak characteristic of Lantus demonstrates knowledge about its unique action and how it differs from other insulin types.

It's important to remember that this is just one example, and there might be other statements a patient could make that indicate an understanding of Lantus. However, the absence of a peak time is a key feature of this specific medication.