Sunday, March 12, 2023

Insulin resistance.. Raise the level of sugar in the blood by producing glucose from the liver and reduce inventory glucose enter cells

Insulin resistance

Intended insulin resistance if treatment requires the patient to use a larger dose of 200 units of insulin a day to control blood sugar and prevent coma sugar Ketone. Most patients who are treated insulin arises to have the amount of anti-immune IgG MDR, which is equivalent to the effect of insulin to a low degree. In some diabetics, especially those who have a degree of tissue due to insulin sensitivity such as that occurring in obese diabetics, as well as patients who use insulin intermittently using preparations of insulin cow is pure former would receive their high-caliber High titre Of anti immune IgG Resistant to insulin. This leads to increased need for larger doses of insulin is often greater than 200 units per day.With the development of insulin purification, such side effect became rare.

In the event of resistance to a particular type of insulin suddenly it must make sure that never expires insulin or presence of inflammatory satisfactory. It is known that during the stage sick there is stress to the patient resulting in an increase in the secretion and the concentration of hormones anti-insulin (glucagon and Abienkerin, and cortisol and growth hormone), which lead to higher blood sugar levels by producing glucose from the inventory of the liver and reduce the entry of glucose into cells.