Sunday, December 6, 2015

Arthritis bone.. Erosion of the joints of the hands, hips, knees, lower back and neck

Arthritis marrow. Disease is also called erosion of the joints, it happens when you take detailed in corrosion. Many of the elderly have bone arthritis, may also occur If detailed wounded several times. The joints most affected are always the joints of the hands, hips, knees, lower back and neck. May produce severe disability, particularly if injured Hip and knees with severe disease.
Patients with arthritis bone pain in the affected area, may feel sense Babsrh or friction when moving. In bone arthritis, degrades the cartilage between bones, making those bones rub together. The grow Kaaburat bone and cartilage intransigent in the joint, causing swelling and deformity.
Bone and arthritis can not be cured. Seeks doctors to relieve pain and prevent the patient from becoming disabled. Includes treatment.
On drugs, particularly aspirin, and exercise programs tailored. The orthopedic surgeon fixes detailed severe injury or replaced with one made ​​of metal or plastic or other materials.