Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Reckless.. Injury with red hair or blond. Hyperpigmented points involve the face and hands exposed to the sun


Brown spots on the skin, lentigines, freckles, or conversely discoloration, it happens that the pigmentation of our skin plays tricks on us.

These pigment spots are an unusual problem and if they are not a health hazard, they are sometimes a cosmetic problem for people who have them.

These conditions can affect people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds. Fortunately, it is possible to limit their appearance, remove them or at least reduce their appearance.

Here's everything you need to know about hyperpigmentation and depigmentation of the skin.

What is hyperpigmentation and depigmentation of the skin?

Let's start with a definition of melanin: it's the substance that gives skin its color. It is more or less concentrated, depending on the ethnic origin of the people.

When there is an overproduction of melanin in localized areas, it is called hyperpigmentation. We then see the appearance of small brown spots, which contrast with the lighter surrounding skin. These spots are usually found on the face, hands, neckline or arms. In short, in the places most often exposed to the sun.

Conversely, it sometimes happens that certain cells that produce melanin are destroyed, without our understanding the reason. This causes discoloration of the skin in certain areas, also called vitiligo. This discoloration makes certain areas of the face or body completely white (without any pigmentation). For more information on discoloration, see the section below.

Although skin pigmentation disorders are generally harmless, it is important to monitor the development of pigment spots. If they change color, size, or shape, you should see a doctor or dermatologist.

Types of pigment spots

There are different types of spots, which vary in shape and color. Here are a few :

There is solar lentigo or lentigine, which is also called age spots. These brown marks are linked to sun exposure and can occur at different ages. Thus, a person could have it from the age of 40 while for others, it will be at 60 or even never. Age spots are more a sign of skin aging from overexposure to the sun than a sign of aging itself.

Freckles, on the other hand, appear in childhood. These small brown or red spots, without relief, are more often present in people with fair complexion and blond or red hair.

Melasma, also called pregnancy mask, is characterized by brown pigmentation of the face. Its appearance is often linked to hormonal changes following the intake of oral contraceptives or during pregnancy. This pigmentation can diminish and even disappear completely. Note that sun exposure aggravates melasma.

What are the main causes of hyperpigmentation?

Excessive sun exposure is the main cause of skin hyperpigmentation. You should know that the production of melanin is also a defense mechanism against the sun's rays.

Also, when exposed to the sun, certain perfumes and medications can lead to the appearance of brown spots.

Skin trauma, such as scars, burns, skin with sunburn scars or acne spots, can also lead to sun pigment spots.

Hormonal and genetic changes are two other important factors of hyperpigmentation.

Skin discoloration
On the other hand, we can also see a depigmentation of the skin, or a discoloration.

Vitiligo, a skin disease, is usually the cause of the appearance of these white spots. It can be seen on the face, feet, hands and any other part of the body. In this case, it is the disappearance of melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin, which is responsible.

People most at risk of suffering from vitiligo are those who have a family history of the condition or who have an autoimmune disease, such as alopecia areata or lupus. Vitiligo does not cause physical pain, but can cause great psychological distress in sufferers.