Thursday, December 28, 2023

all are irrigation for canals except

all are irrigation for canals except:

  • A- naocl
  • B- RC prep

That's correct! Both A. NaOH (sodium hydroxide) and B. RC Prep are not used for irrigating dental canals, making them the exceptions.

Here's a breakdown:

A. NaOH:

As mentioned before, NaOH is a strong base that can severely damage delicate dental tissues and potentially perforate canal walls. Additionally, its high pH disrupts the effectiveness of subsequent cleaning and disinfection steps.

B. RC Prep:

While RC Prep contains useful chelating agents for canal preparation, it's not meant for actual irrigation. It's applied as a gel directly to the canal walls for a short time and then rinsed thoroughly with a dedicated irrigant like NaOCl.

Therefore, the only option left, A. NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite), is the most common and suitable irrigant for dental canals. It provides effective disinfection, dissolves organic matter, and can aid in shaping the canal in controlled concentrations.


using inappropriate substances like NaOH or applying RC Prep for irrigation can lead to serious complications. Always follow established protocols and use recommended irrigants under the guidance of a dental professional.


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